What would Ceyren Do?
Part 3
Good Morning, Afternoon, and or evening. Welcome back to what would Ceyren do, are talk show panel where we the readers/Author get to ask questions to the Captain of the U.S.S. Spartan, Ceyren Nightshade. Todays question was supplied by Eric.
He Asked : "Ceyren if you could have one super human ability, what would it be and why?"
Ceyren lets herself relax and rest her arm on her chair, playing with the leather on the seat a little bit. It was a good question, one worth a good answer, even though, most questions of this nature, were selfish in origin.
"Thank you for your question Eric. I am going to answer this one a little less seriously than I would answer most questions. I am an alien to begin with, which already gives me some abilities that, would be preseaved by your culture to be superhuman. But that is not the reason you asked the question, you asked because you want to know what I fantasize about being able to do, that I am not already able to do.
So, if I could have any one special ability, it would have to be, the ability to go out of phase at will. So that I could pass through Hazards without harm, or make my way into area's that would normally be inaccessible to others.
I hope that answers your question.
So now I ask a the same question to the readers, what ability would you have and why?"
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