- What is your idea of perfect happiness?
“That is a silly type of question to ask. To have an idea of perfection, first assumes I would know what would be perfect for me. I don’t know what that would be. What is the closest thing to perfect for me, based off of who I am right this moment. Hmm, that is a harder question, I guess. What makes me happy is exploring, I love to explore. I am not talking about just jaunting around the Galaxy, but I am talking about the thrill of the unknown. I want to explore everything, to learn as much as I can, and to never stop doing that. I thrive in learning, but I also thrive in the heat of the moment. So perfection would being able to express my passion endlessly, and learn without ever running out of things to learn.
I don’t want to be perfect, but the pursuit of perfection, the gaining of knowledge, that appeals to me on a level I couldn’t dare ignore.”
- What is your greatest fear?
“What is any Captain worst fear. Not being enough. Fast enough, Smart enough, Diplomatic enough. I want my crew to be happy, to survive to make it home, and for every single one of them to survive. Losing my crew because of my own inadequacies is my greatest fear. My second greatest fear, is that I will never find what will complete me as an individual. I have such a thirst for love and life, and passion and lust, that sometimes I don’t think I am static enough for real happiness.”
- What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
“I deplore the way I view others who don’t measure up to my high standards. I think I am far too great of an Elitist for my own good.”
- What is the trait you most deplore in others?
“People who refuse to learn about others cultures, and make snap judgements without learning as much as possible. Inadequacy, lack of drive, no motivation, and laziness in general.”
- Which living person do you most admire?
“Admiral Janeway and Worf. Both act as a reminder to me how far one can travel on pure will alone. They are still active strong individuals in both communities they belong to. Influence the shape of the galaxy, nah the universe by just being. They are both getting on in years, but they don’t let them slow them down one bit. I plan to be dead before I stop trying my best to affect some type of change. I know they do too.”
- What is your greatest extravagance?
“To most of you it probably sounds completely rubbish, but clothing. I love fashion and all things to do with it. I sneak peeks while doing other work, at the galactic fashion trash magazines. Shh, don’t tell anyone. I own a wardrobe that would take up three standard size quarters on a ship, again shhh, don’t tell anyone.”
- What is your current state of mind?
“Based off of current event’s happening to me, inside of my journey. I would have to say excitement and a little bit of apprehension. I am excited to have my own task force, and that I am getting to hand pick the crew. But I am worried that I am not up to the task, because if I don’t do it right it can mean a massive loss of life. That scares me more than I will ever let on.”
- What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
“Righteousness. I think that Righteousness comes from Pride and Envy, and those it’s consider a virtue, I see it more as a vice. People do the worst things in the name of righteousness. I mean look at earth History. The crusade was done in the name of Righteousness. Look at the murder of different cultures, based off of a false ideology that someone is better than someone else. It sickens me.”
- On what occasion do you lie?
“I am an Orion. If I didn’t lie I would like, totally not be an Orion. Now do I do it regularly, no, because lying to much causes people to doubt your intention. But will I bend the truth to protect those dear to me. Damn straight, in a hot second.”
- What do you most dislike about your appearance?
“Eww, body image issues much. I don’t agree with this question, because I wasn’t raised to look at myself that way. Everything about me is beautiful, everything, no matter what it is. So no real answer to this question, because no issues with my appearance.”
- Which living person do you most despise?
“Well, damn this is a hard question, because having been part of the Klingon Defense Force for so long, those who I despised often wound up dead. I know I am a little bit of a sociopath. So sue me. How to answer this, I guess I would have to say I despise leaders who put their own personal needs above those that they were sworn to protect and elevate.”
- What is the quality you most like in a man?
“There are two qualities in a man I look for, Intelligence and athletic build. I want my children to be superior specimens of individuality. Intelligence and Athletic qualities are genetic, whether we want them to be or not. So in a male that is what I look for.”
- What is the quality you most like in a woman?
“What quality do I like most in a woman. I killer mind, a beautiful body, and appetite for sex that has no end. But mostly I love women who fight for who they are, and don’t apologize for it. That totally gets my juice flowing.”
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